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Set Free Christian Ministries

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word will never pass away." Matthew 24:35
Our Set Free Christian Ministries Newsletter is a great place to keep up with news about the latest goings on at our ministry, announcements about additions to our ministry resources, and to join us in celebrating what the Lord is doing in our lives. We welcome contributions from the people we have ministered to and, while we are not able to publish everything sent in to us, we look forward to hearing from you and what the Lord is doing in your life.
Set Free Christian Ministries Newsletter
For materials and/or your prayer requests
Dear Beloved in Christ,
Praise God for the people of God that are dedicated to studying God's precious Word. In this world that we are living in today, we find that Satan has so many ways to get us distracted from the things that are really important.
In Matthew 24 :35, we read the words of the Lord Jesus Christ when He says that, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word will never pass away." It was this verse of Scripture that the evangelist Anthony Zeoli had read while he was a prisoner in a penitentiary in Pennsylvania about 75 years ago. At that time he was a young habitual criminal, and had been returning to prison almost as fast as they released him. However, he explains how that verse in the Gospel of Matthew kept emphasizing to him the importance of reading, studying, and memorizing the Word of God. He then accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, and almost immediately he was able to lead his jailer to a saving knowledge of Christ. Then they both were "new born babes" in Christ. Anthony continued to read the word of God for the duration of his stay in prison. When he was released this time he went into full time service for the Lord Jesus Christ. He began preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere, and believing that God would supply his every need if he was obedient in doing the Lord's will for his life. He was called to an evangelistic ministry and because of the vast amount of Scripture which he quoted he was soon known by the name of "The Walking Bible." When Anthony was in his 80's, he was still faithfully serving the Lord Jesus Christ, preaching, witnessing and testifying to the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is truly amazing what just one verse of Scripture can do to save a person's life from the ravages of sin. Do not ever let Satan deceive you into believing that you don't need to study God's Word anymore, because we will all continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ until God calls us home.
The Lord has blessed us with the following beautiful poem, contributed by a dear sister in the Lord.
My life looked so bleak, and the future the same,
I had worries, and fears, lots of anger and pain.
There were times that I felt like ending my life,
For the world brought no joy, with its troubles and strife.
But Jesus my Savior knew all about me,
He knew all my struggles, and trials, you see.
And at the right time when He knew I'd be still,
He opened my ears and my eyes to His will.
Now my life has changed completely and Jesus leads the way,
I have no more the sorrows that darkened every day.
When people stop to tell me that I'm different, not the same,
I tell them it's not my doing, it's the power of Jesus' name.
It's because of You Lord, it's because of You,
You're the One who changed me, it's because of You.
I cannot take credit for what You have done,
You get all the praise Lord, for the Victory is won.
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